We care deeply about the health and wellbeing of company stakeholders

We care deeply about the health and wellbeing of company stakeholders

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At GIS Companies Group, we care deeply about the health and wellbeing of company stakeholders – including our builders, subcontractors, employees, their families and the communities where we live, work and recreate.

Over the past several weeks, we’ve taken great care to do our part in combatting the spread of COVID-19 by shutting down our active construction sites, working from home and following best-in-class safety protocols in compliance with the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order. Like everyone else, we understand there is a great deal of uncertainty and concern about this pandemic, and we want to assure you we are taking every step necessary to adapt to this ever-changing business environment.

To that end, GIS has been working collaboratively with several industry- and community-based associations to stay up to date on safety precautions, local and state regulations, and the ongoing decision-making process for reengaging our economy. We are encouraged by the Governor’s recent announcement of low-risk guidelines for restarting construction activity, and are communicating with government officials on the development of a COVID-19 Safety Plan that will enable us to return to work at the GIS Plaza project in downtown Bellevue and the Madison Plaza job site in Kent.

GIS has one of the region’s best construction-safety records, and we will meet government requirements to ensure a safe, healthy work environment for all our building teams and subcontractors. We are fully committed to overcoming this challenge together and will continue to monitor this economic and health issue as it develops, as well as institute further safety measures as needed.

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